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Getting Married in Mallorca with First-Class Entertainment

Getting married in Mallorca

Adriana & Kai

Finca-Wedding with First-Class-Entertainment

...and a “Touch of Fairy Tale Magic“.

Attention! What you’re about to read will most likely exceed your expectations of “conventional” weddings—even in Mallorca. Because what we have here is, so to speak, a “next-level wedding.” The numbers alone are impressive: the total planning time amounted to a staggering 613,201 minutes, or simply put, 14 months. A verified 1,428 WhatsApp messages and 436 emails were exchanged during the preparation and follow-up. The number of phone calls is incalculable, but the fact is, we probably now qualify as “premium customers” at both Telefónica and Deutsche Telekom. The last 14 days before the finca wedding in Mallorca were planned down to the minute, with setup and preparation time for decoration and technical equipment lasting a full 7 days. In comparison, the 2 days the couple spent on-site to conduct all (meticulously prepared) pre-checks seem almost modest.

In the end, our staff alone consisted of nearly 75 people, including 2 project managers, 2 project management assistants, 3 decorators, 1 florist, 1 gardener, 1 electrician, 10 drivers, 2 chefs, 1 pastry chef, 12 service staff, 10 technicians, 2 production managers, 1 director, 2 stage managers, 1 lighting designer, 2 sound designers, 1 lighting operator, 1 sound operator, 1 special effects supervisor, 1 photographer, 6 videographers (cameramen), 3 video editors, 3 cleaning staff, and 6 artists from both domestic and international locations—for 75 guests. Even the “Queen Mary 2” can’t boast a better ratio.

The amount of decoration material used was also extraordinary: in total, nearly two tons were delivered, including 0.5 tons of branded wedding logo items (which were also specially created by us in advance), shipped from Germany via freight service, with all logistics handled by our team in Mallorca.

Are you looking for inspiration or planning to get married in Mallorca? Then read on and enjoy the detailed and unique ideas that we used to bring this small Mallorcan “fairy tale” to life.

Since the story is a bit longer, we’ve created a small table of contents:

1. A couple seeks "their" location

2. A (not so) simple task: Flower arrangements and wedding set-up

3. Getting married in Mallorca: Dinner and party set-up

4. What always matters: The small things and details

5. “Double shot” is better: Photography and videography

6. Just “a little bit special”: A “4-month-and-4-days wedding anniversary”

A Couple Seeks “Their” Location

A couple that describes themselves as “a bit special and over the top” is, first and foremost, being honest! Adriana & Kai are indeed stunning personalities, and as is often the case, the first question our couples ask themselves is which location best suits them. Just thinking “getting married in Mallorca” isn’t quite enough! With high standards and a corresponding cost-awareness (which, when you look at the pictures and overall impressions, might seem unimaginable, but it’s true! We created, tracked, and in two key areas even stayed under the budget for each aspect), we were more than able to meet these expectations with our location suggestion. The “simple” task was: Find us a finca that combines a baroque, opulent style with modern luxury. Additionally, the couple desired an estate with lots of greenery, unique plants, ideally free-roaming animals, and a prominent pool area with an overbuilt pool stage. However, they didn’t want it to be too sprawling to ensure an intimate, manageable atmosphere for the 75 guests. At first glance, these requirements seem to demand compromises, but we actually managed to find the perfect finca for them.

The finca is located in Binissalem, the heart of Mallorca. Since not all guests could be accommodated at the finca, we selected and recommended nearly 20 hotels of various categories nearby in advance. Once each guest had chosen their preferred accommodation, we arranged a personalized welcome gift and a small aperitif in each room upon arrival. It was also very important to Adriana and Kai that each guest had a comfortable arrival and, especially, an individual departure (whenever they wanted) with a shuttle service. This required a lot of coordination, as the guests were not supposed to arrive simultaneously but rather at intervals of about 5 minutes so that the groom could greet each guest personally and with attention. At the same time, it was crucial to ensure that the artists were present for their sound checks and performances on time. The result: Out of 43 shuttle rides, 42 went smoothly, with one arriving exactly 5 minutes later than planned, which actually worked out well, as the guests on that ride had the chance to admire a peacock (remember one of the above-mentioned requirements?! Unfortunately, the finca’s horses, chickens, cats, and dogs had to take a back seat as “main characters”) that proudly strutted past our reception area.

A Case for Two: Floral Arrangements, Wedding Set-Up & Decorations

As unique as Adriana and Kai may be in many ways, they are like almost all of our couples in one respect: when it comes to choosing floral arrangements and the overall wedding set-up, the woman has the final say. And Adriana had a lot to say, as we first had to consider the numerous placement options for individual arrangements throughout the finca (setting it apart from many other fincas, as almost every area can be independently and uniquely “decorated”). I’ll never forget our joint briefing with the florist, who, due to the large number of necessary arrangements, conducted a digital presentation of the various possibilities.

Adriana, not fluent in Spanish and growing less willing to rely on my translations over time, would point with her finger and exclaim a clearly audible “Olé!” at her preferred choice until, after about 3 hours, we had selected the “100 or so” individual arrangements. These were for the finca in general and the wedding set-up in particular. The highlight of the wedding set-up was to be a large wedding arch. As I often say, “We cook with what we have!” So, why not use the stunning chapel that was already on the finca? The bride’s initial skepticism gave way to a beaming smile when she finally saw “her wedding arch” at the entrance of the fully decorated chapel.

We aimed to create the image of a fairytale wedding in its entirety: instead of a ring pillow, there was a small Cinderella carriage with a pumpkin on top, and the book from which the officiant read was uniquely adorned to match.

Getting married in Mallorca: Dinner & Party Set-Up

We arranged the tables symmetrically around the pool (which turned out to be a "precision job" in the end, as we still needed enough space for the service staff, cameramen, and the artists’ “walking acts” to interact with and among the guests). A transparent stage with a large LED screen was built over the last third of the pool. What might seem simple required precise structural planning, as the pool's interior was not flat but sloped. In the final execution, one of the stage managers was likely particularly “thrilled” to even have to put on diving gear for a final inspection. The most important thing, however, was that we were able to create exactly the spatial atmosphere with the dinner and party set-up that the couple had specified as the standard for the entire wedding.

But how do you make such a party set truly magical? Of course, with breathtaking lighting effects! We were fortunate to enjoy a beautiful, clear night, which we adorned with the best technology available. It’s very difficult to capture this perfectly in photos—you simply have to experience and feel it. And, of course, you need top-class musicians. All of that was present: On and around the stage, there was a spectacle of show elements usually only seen at large concerts—confetti cannons, fog machines, pyrotechnics, and lighting effects, all synchronized with each artist, sometimes even with each individual song. The atmosphere reached its absolute peak here. The emotion was further heightened by the live video projections on the large LED screen, which, starting right after dinner began, showcased the first video sequences from the previous hours, including the wedding ceremony. By the end of the event, three video editors were busy processing all the footage from the day into new clips, ensuring that memories were imprinted in a more powerful way.

What delighted us immensely and is truly not always a given: our meticulous schedule was fully adhered to. Together with the entire team and the truly outstanding artists, we managed to deliver a seamlessly integrated show. It was genuine first-class entertainment, matching the luxury of this finca wedding in Mallorca. I wish I could share all the videos with you here, but unfortunately, that would violate various licensing rights.

Getting married in Mallorca: The catering

We’ll briefly mention the catering just for the sake of completeness: you can imagine that there was more food than anyone could possibly eat. The selection and organizational effort were immense, and the chefs from a former Michelin-starred restaurant in Mallorca turned the guests' plates into works of art. The wedding cake also delighted the taste buds. We ensured detailed briefings and communication among the various service providers to perfectly coordinate everything. In the end, even the 14 kg wedding cake fit into the refrigerator.

What Always Matters: The Little Things and Details

Often, we encounter couples who want to cut costs on small details, such as a cigar stand, a cocktail bar, little eye-catchers, or giveaways (especially if they can be individually branded)—understandable when it's a budget issue. However, if you want to convey a certain charm, add your personal touch, and create a lasting impact, or even take your guests on a “fairy tale journey,” then some of the details from this wedding might help make your (finca) wedding in Mallorca magical and unique as well. What do you think? Leave us a comment!

“Double Shot” is Better

After the ceremony, there were some cool drinks and a group photo shoot with the guests. Group pictures were taken, and of course, our bride and groom also had their moment alone. But that wasn’t all! Adriana and Kai stayed a few extra days in Mallorca, so we arranged a second photo shoot for them in the unique setting of Cap Rocat, where photo shoots are usually not permitted. This was our personal gift to them, and the results are incredibly stunning photos, as we believe.

Just a Little Bit Special: A “4-Month-and-4-Days” Wedding Anniversary

What does one do with 10 hours of video footage? “One,” not sure, but Adriana and Kai had it edited into a roughly 25-minute film, which they premiered in their hometown at a large cinema, inviting all their guests, numerous service providers, and artists from Mallorca under the theme “4-month-and-4-days Wedding Anniversary.” After enjoying these wonderful memories, there was, of course, an “after-show party” that felt quite familiar in style and scope… 😊

My Conclusion

What can I say in conclusion, except: Thank you, dear Adriana and Kai. It was an incredible pleasure to bring your fairy tale to life, to get to know you personally, and to dive into such exciting planning and execution. My entire team also thanks you for your high-level rating. We look forward to the next event. And it’s not just a cliché, as we will indeed continue with them in summer 2020—though this time, logically with them, in the form of a “slightly different summer party in Mallorca” …


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